Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How to Connect to RA Radio and Use Ubroadcast

O.K. so if you've got a computer and some interest in the best internet radio station around, you can skip step one.

Step 1: Grow a pair.

Step 2: Head over to Ubroadcast.com

Step 3: Click the button/picture that reads "Listen"

Step 4: Follow the instructions to download and install the ubroadcast client.

Step 5: Enter the one-time "account setup" information, you're almost there!

Step 6: Now you'll be presented with a window and in the bottom left corner you'll find a button that reads "Station," click it.

Step 7: A new window will drop down, you'll see a button that says "Jump to" with a blank field to the left of it, in this field put in the number 18222 and press "Jump To" You're now connected to our radio, radio should begin streaming in seconds!

To chat simply press the Live Chat button, enter your desired username and password, and confirm :) Use this to request songs or chat with other listeners.

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